Connections and data transfer
Setting the baud rate :
The baud rate is set using the <Param 2> key (F7). After pressing the key, the currently set baud rate will
appear. Using the 'arrow up' or 'arrow down' key, you can select the desired baud rate. You can leave the
selection menu using the <ESC> key. All devices communicating with each other must have the same
transfer parameters. You may choose among the following baud rates: 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200.
Fig. 17 Example of the baud rate parameter 4800 baud.
Setting the device address
The use of a device address enables several devices to be operated within a chain. For this purpose, a
RS-232-C cable, for instance of the TZ 3088 type, is used to make a connection from the computer to
socket 1 of the first device of the chain. Using another RS-232-C cable, for instance of the TZ 3084 type,
socket 2 of the first device is connected to socket 1 of the second device. Socket 2 of the second device
can be used to connect additional devices. Please make sure that the devices in the chain have different
addresses. The device address of the TITRONIC
110 plus Piston Burette is set using the address pa-
rameter menu. To access this menu, please press the <<Param 3>> key (F8). Now you can use the nu-
meric keys to enter an address from 00 to 15.
Fig. 18 Example of address parameter address 00.