7. Expression
l re step 2 (chapter 7.1):
Answer the following questions
to find out whether the available
breastshield size will fit:
l Is your nipple moving freely in
the tunnel?
l Is minimal or no areolar tissue
being pulled into the tunnel of
the breastshield?
l Do you see a gentle, rhythmical
motion in the breast with each
cycle of the pump?
l Do you feel the breast emptying
all over?
l Is your nipple pain-free?
If the answer to any of these ques-
tions is "No" or if you experience
problems or pain during expression,
consult your breastfeeding and
lactation consultant or midwife.
l re step 2 (chapter 7.1):
Do not hold the pump set by the
bottle. This can lead to blockage of
the milk ducts and engorgement.
l Wipe the breast with a warm
washcloth (do not use alcohol).
7.1 Preparing for
Place the breastshield on your
breast so that your nipple is
properly centred in the tunnel.
7.2 Pumping
Set the vacuum control
to minimum.