Figure lC - Wheel Assembly
The unit has been deliberately shipped with the battery cables
disconnected.You will need a lOmm wrench to securethe battery
Toconnect the battery (see Figure17 for connectiondetails):
1. Cut off cable ties securing battery cables and remove red
covers from batteryterminals.
2. First, connectthe red cableto the positive (+) batteryterminal
with the bolt, lock washer and nut supplied.
3. Connect the black cable to the negative (-) battery terminal
with the bolt, lock washer and nut supplied.
4. Make sure all connections are secure. Slide the rubber boots
over the terminals and connectionhardware.
if the battery is unable to start the engine, charge it with the
12V chargerincludedin the accessory box (see the "Charging a
Battery"section for details).
Read the Owner'sManual and Safety Rules before operating
this generator.
Compare the generator to Figures 2 through 4 to become
familiarizedwith the locations of various controls and adjustments.
Savethis manualfor future reference.
1. 120 Volt AC, 20 Amp, Duplex Receptacle - Supplies
electrical power for the operation of 120 Volt AC, 20 Amp,
single-phase, 60 Hz electrical lighting, appliance, tool and
motor loads. CARBmodels are equippedwith GFCIoutlets.
2. 120/240 Volt AC, 30 Amp LockingReceptacle - Supplies
electrical power for the operation of 120 and/or 240 Volt AC,
30 Amp, single-phase, 60 Hz, electrical lighting, appliance,
tool and motor loads.
3. Circuit Breakers(AC) - Each receptacle is provided with a
push-to-reset circuit breakerto protect the generatoragainst
electrical overload.
4. Oil Drain- Useto drain engine oil.
5. Air Filter - Filters intakeair as it is drawn into the engine.
6. Choke Knob- Usedwhen starting a cold engine.
7. FuelTank- See generatorSpecificationsfor tank capacity.
8. Grounding Lug - Ground the generatorto an approvedearth
ground here. See "Groundingthe Generator"for details.
g. Run/Stop Switch - Controls the operation of the generator
(pull start models).
gA. Start Switch - Used to start engine from the starter motor
(electricstart models only).
10. Muffler - Quietsthe engine.
11. Handle - Pivot and retract for storage. Press the spring-
loaded button to move handles.
12. Gas Cap- Fuelfill location.
13. FuelGauge- Shows fuel levelin tank.
14. Oil Fill- Add oil here.
15. Recoil Starter - Useto start engine manually.
15. Fuel Shut Off - Valve betweenfuel tank and carburetor.
17. BatteryCharger Input -This receptacleallows the capability
to recharge the 12 volt DO storage battery provided with
the 12 Volt Adaptor Plug Charger which is included in the
Accessory Box. Located behind the battery charger input is
a 1.50 Amp in-line fuse which is inside the control panel to
protect the battery (electric start models only).
18. Battery - Powers the electric starter (electric start models
lg. Hourmeter - Tracks hours of operation.
28. Spark Arrestor - Reducesfire hazards by containing sparks
(CARBmodels only).