Cleaning and disinfection
The risk of contamination of the automix syringe can be
reduced by covering the syringe with a disposable protective
Clean the syringe with a disposable wipe and standard media.
Disinfection of the syringe in accordance with national guide
Observe standard practice hygiene measures.
Storage conditions
Store dry, protected from sunlight. The product has to be kept
in the refrigerator at 2°C / 36°F – 8°C / 46°F before first use.
Shelf-life after first use
a) For continued storage in the refrigerator:
Until the end of the specified expiration date
b) For continued storage at room temperature:
Use within six months
Avoid extreme temperatures. Given refrigerator storage, the
product has to have reached room temperature prior to use.
Do not use after the expiration date.
Main components of Visalys
inorganic fillers in the size range 0.2 – 20 µm including ytter
bium fluoride. The polymer base consists of aliphatic di meth
ISO 4049, type 2, class 3.
Remove completely emptied cartridges / mixing tips / appli
cator tips and set material can be disposed of according to
local regulations.
CemCore, Visalys
Tooth Primer and Visalys
trademarks of Kettenbach GmbH & Co. KG.
Not all Kettenbach products are available in all countries.
For professional use only. Caution: Federal (U.S.A.) Law re
stricts this device to sale by or on the order of a dentist.
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CemCore Try In Paste, Visalys
Restorative Primer are registered