Menu for setting the SSR timer. The SSR timer is for the amount of time before the unit
goes from Idling mode to Standby mode when the pilot signal disappears.
Menu for setting the DIR timer. The DIR timer is the amount of time before the unit goes
from Running mode into Idling mode when the pilot signal disappears.
Weekly timer
Weekly timer sets the unit to "Stand By" mode and "Off Mode" at preset times. If the pilot
signal "PS" is active and the Vacuum unit is in Standby mode, the unit starts.
T=12:00 minutes: Time before SSR_Time is activated. The default
setting is 12 minutes. The minimum setting is 5 minutes.
Ta=00:00 minutes: The elapsed time since the pilot signal disappeared.
T=10:00 seconds: Time before DIR_Time is activated. The default setting
is 10 seconds The minimum setting is 5 seconds.
Ta=00:00 seconds: The elapsed time since the pilot signal disappeared.
FlexPAK 800/1000