9) After setting the "minimum", (P1) turn the burner toward the
maximum using the controls on the MPA 22 keypad. (refer to
the instructions for the MPA 22 electronic cam in the attached
manual, code 0006080905).
10) We recommend you check combustion using the appropriate
instrument at all intermediate points on the modulation route
(from P1 to P9), checking the flow rate of gas by reading the
11) Now check for correct automatic modulation (re-
fer to the "MPA 22" electronic cam instructions appe-
aring in the attached manual, code 0006080905).
This ensures that the apparatus receives the signal from the
RWF40 electronic modulation regulator, if the burner is the
modulating model, or from the second stage thermostat or
pressure switch, if it is a two stage progressive burner.
12) The air pressure switch makes safe (shuts down) the apparatus
if air pressure is not at the expected value. After making all
burner adjustments, adjust the air pressure switch with the disk
with the graduated scale, positioning it on the lowest number.
With the burner running on minimum, increase regulation
pressure while slowly turning the disk clockwise until the burner
shuts down. Now turn the disk anti-clockwise to 20% less than
the value reached, and check that the burner starts up correctly.
If the burner shuts down again, turn the disk a little further anti-
clockwise and check if it shuts down again.
13) The pressure switches for checking gas pressure (minimum
and maximum) prevent the burner from operating when gas
pressure is between the expected values. The specific function
of the pressure switches clearly reveals that the pressure switch
for controlling minimum pressure must use the contact which is
closed when the pressure switch detects a pressure value abo-
ve the value it is set to, while the pressure switch for controlling
maximum pressure must use the contact that is closed when the
pressure switch detects a pressure lower than the value it is set
to. Adjustment of minimum and maximum gas pressure values
on the pressure switches must be performed when testing the
burner, on the basis of the pressure measured in each case.
Tripping of any of the gas pressure switches (in the sense of
opening the circuit) will therefore prevent the apparatus and
therefore the burner from working. When the burner is working
(flame on), tripping of the gas pressure switches (opening the
circuit) will shut down the burner immediately. When testing
the burner, it is very important to check that the pressure
switches are working properly. With appropriate adjustment of
the regulation components, we can be sure that the pressure
switch will be tripped (opening the circuit) and shut down the
burner. (refer to MPA 22 instructions in the enclosed manual,
code 0006080905).
14) Check that the flame detector (ionization electrode) is trigge-
red when the wire from the electrode is disconnected and the
burner is turned on; the apparatus should complete its cycle
and shut down two seconds after the pilot flame has formed.
This test should also be conducted with the burner already on;
the apparatus should shut down immediately when the wire
from the ionization electrode is disconnected. If there is a UV
photocell, remove it from its housing in the burner and check
that it shuts down.
15) Check the efficiency of the thermostats or boiler pressure
switches (they should shut down the burner when triggered).
Check that ignition takes place correctly, because if the
passage between the head and the disk is shut off, the
speed of the mix (air/fuel) may be so high that ignition is
1 Main switch ON - OFF
2 Thermostatic line switch
3 Display MPA 22...
4 Confirm button or eliminate interference button
5 Ventilator shutdown indicator light
6 Appliance shutdown indicator light
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