The modulator is frequency agile. The user can select an RF output frequency
between 45 and 875 MHz in steps of 1 Hz. In normal operation, the IF output frequency
is internally set by the modulator and varies between 31 and 36 MHz depending on the
selected RF frequency. The RF output can be switched off, in which case the IF
frequency is fixed at 36 MHz. The polarity of the IF/RF spectrum (inverted or non-
inverted) can be selected by the user.
The MO-170 has been designed to work in Multi Frequency Networks (MFN).
Single Frequency Network (SFN) operation is not currently supported. The quality of the
output signal has been optimised for 8 MHz channels. The MER measured at IF in this
case is approximately 40 dB in master mode.
The operation of the MO-170 is done via the front panel LCD display and controls.
The modulator can be easily configured by navigating through a rather intuitive set of
menus. A couple of LEDs located on the front panel signal the existence of errors in the
modulator or whether the equipment is properly powered.
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