5. Set:To chose setting the vacuum times or sealing times.Vacuum times set range:20-99s;-
sealing times set range:3-9s.
6. "+":To increase the vacuum times or sealing times.
7. "-":To decrease the vacuum times or sealing times.
8. Seal: This button provides also two functions:
- To seal the open end of a bag, used to make a bag from a bag roll;
When seal the bags, the machine will start the vacuuming firstly about 20 seconds to keep
tightness of the sealing bar before it seal the bags.
- When the automatic "Vacuum &seal" function is in operation, this button stops the
motor pump when the vacuum pressure reached about -25inHg which indicated on the
pressure gauge, press the "SEAL" button to seal the bags immediately so that less vacuum
pressure inside the bag can be achieved by the operator to avoid crushing for delicate
9. Marinate: Work on vacuum 99s and no seal.
10. Vacuum Gauge:Represents the vacuum level inside the chamber.
11. Gasket Keep air away by forming vacuum chamber with gasket. Clean and dry or repla-
ce it when distorted or broken.
12. Sealing element: Teflon-coated heating element which is hot and seals the bag.
The vacuum packaging system # 1