Vaccuming but seal
function is not good
Seal function is good
but can not vacuuming
Bag inflation
after vacuuming
Bag inflation
after vacuuming
The vacuum packaging system # 1
Check if the sealing time is sufficient?
If not, please reset the sealing time.
Check if the heating element damage and good setting or not? If damaged,
please exchange the heating element and make sure it is well installed.
Check if the sealing strip damage or well installed?
If damaged, please exchange the sealing strip and make sure it is well installed.
Check if the edge of the bag has liquid?
If yes, please clean the edge of the bag and try again
Check if the vacuuming time is enough?
If not, please reset the vacuuming time
Check if the food with sharp angle?
If yes, please packing the angle with safe paper before vacuuming the food
Check if the edge of the bag has liquid?
If yes, please clean the edge of the bag and try again.
Check if the sealing strip damage or well installed?
If damaged, please exchange the sealing strip and make sure it is well install.
Check if the good is belong to easy corrosion foods?
All the easy corrosion goods are need to be frozen or refrigerated
after vacuuming so that it can prolong it's shelf life. But vacuuming
doesn't guarantee the foods will never spoil.
Check if you packed the fresh vegetables or fruit and seed food?
All fresh vegetables or fruit and seed are not suitable to storage
under room temperature after vacuumed, they have photosynthesis
and respiration. Suggest to storage them in refrigerated.
Check if the sealing time is too long?
If yes, please reset the sealing time