Hemming with the Cover Stitch
o o
1. Fold up the edge of the fabric to the wrong side
2. Draw a line with a tailor's chalk on the right side of
3. Place the fabric so the left needle drops just to the
4. Sew carefully a long the marked line.
5. After finishing sewing. Raise the presser foot and
6. Draw the needle threads to the wrong side of the
CDMarked line
@ Right needle
Triple Cover Stitch Applications
1. Hemming on waistlines
CD Waistline
2. Attaching laces and tapes
CD Tap or lace
3. Attaching elastics
CD Right side of the fabric
4. Decorative stitch
CD Right side of the fabric
and press.
the fabric to mark the fabric edge.
left side of the marked line. Lower the presser
remove the fabric to the rear.
fabric and knot them together.
@Left needle
@ Right side of the fabric
Right side of the fabric
Reverse side of the fabric
Reverse side of the fabric
Reverse side of the fabric