Error description
The residual current circuit
breaker of the relative sock-
et-outlet/side is OFF.
Error 3
NB: error not managed on the
WallBox version
The contactor is working when it
Error 4
shouldn't be. The socket-outlet is
powered in the standby condition
The shutters of the type 2
Error 5
socket-outlet aren't in the right
condition (closed)
Restore the correct operation
of the residual current circuit
breaker. If the error persists,
replace the device.
Check the signal from the
electronic card to the contactor,
to make sure the electronic card
isn't controlling the contactor.
If the card isn't controlling the
contactor, check the contactor
contacts aren't stuck.
If necessary, replace the device.
Check the mobility of the shut-
ters and the relative mechanical
means. If necessary, replace the
Faults and troubleshooting
Position - Installation and Operation Manual