Candy CWB 2D Instrucciones Para El Uso página 79

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If the fault should persist, contact a Candy Technical Assistance Centre. For prompt
servicing, give the model of the washing machine, to be found on the label placed on
the cabinet inside of the porthole or on the guarantee certificate.
1The use of environment friendly detersives without phosphates may produce the
following effects:
- The discharge rinse water may result cloudier due to the presence of zeolites in
suspension. This does not compromise the efficiency of the rinses.
- The presence of white powder (zeolites) on the washing at the end of the washing
cycle. This does not remain incorporated in the fabric and does not alter the colour.
- The presence of foam in the last rinse water which is not necessarily a sign of
inadequate rinsing.
- The non-ionic surface-active agents present in the composition of washing
machine detersives are often difficult to remove from the washing itself and, even in
small quantities, may produce visible signs of the formation of foam.
- Carrying out further rinses, in cases such as this, is not useful.
2If your washing machine fails to function, carry out the above-mentioned checks
before calling the Candy Technical Assistance Service.
Recommendations on the use of detergent at various temperatures
When washing heavily soiled whites, we recommend using cotton programs of 60°C or above and a
normal washing powder (heavy duty) that contains bleaching agents that at medium/high temperatures
provide excellent results. For washes between 40°C and 60°C the type of detergent used needs to be
appropriate for the type of fabric and level of soiling. Normal powders are suitable for "white" or colour fast
fabrics with high soiling, while liquid detergents or "colour protecting" powders are suitable for coloured fa-
brics with light levels of soiling. For washing at temperatures below 40°C we recommend the use of liquid
detergents or detergents speci cally labeled as suitable for low temperature washing. For washing wool
or silk, only use detergents speci cally formulated for these fabrics. For dosage amounts please follow the
instructions on the detergent package label.
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La Ditta costruttrice declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali errori di stampa contenuti
nel presente libretto. Si riserva inoltre il diritto di apportare le modifiche che si
renderanno utili ai propri prodotti senza compromettere le caratteristiche essenziali.
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The manufacturer declines all responsibility in the event of any printing mistakes in
this booklet. The manufacturer also reserves the right to make appropriate
modifications to its products without changing the essential characteristics.


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