Dear Customer,
We care very much for the customer satisfaction from our products and services within the frame of our high quality
understanding, which we have created with our mission, vision and core values.
As, Uğur Soğutma A.Ş., we work with great devotion for carrying our care to the customer satisfaction further for gi-
ving you the best service with our comprehensive studies and policies developed in order to improve customer care
We are at your service with approximately 250 Authorized Services, who have expertise in their areas and our cheerful,
professional staff at our Uğur Call Centre.
You can reach Uğur Call Centre from the number 444 84 87, notify any of your wishes, requests and suggestions as well
as learn the nearest Authorized Service and get information you desire about our products.
You can reach Uğur Call Centre by completing the form at www.ugur.com.tr/bize-ulasin , dialing 0 256 316 10 00
or sending fax to 0 256 316 10 36.
Our address for written applications: Uğur Müşteri Hizmetleri Merkezi, Yeni Sanayi Mahallesi Devlet Karayolu
Caddesi No: 127/C Posta Kodu: 09900 Nazili / Aydın
You can obtain our up-to-date Authorized Service List from www.ugur.com.tr/musteri -hizmetleri/yetkili-ser-
You can find updated version of the operating manual from our web site www.ugur.com.tr and request from
our Authorized Services.
Our Hearing Impaired and Speech Handicapped customers can reach our Call Centre by sending
1 SMS to 444 84 87 and obtain information related to our products and services.