6.8.3 Pulse Counter Main menu for output operations
For counters with 1 preset,
output 1 is the main preset, so
the text relating to output 2 ap-
plies to this preset for the de-
scription of the output
operations. For the batch
counter and totalizer functions,
in case of counters with 1 pre-
set, the batch counter and the
totalizer are only for display
purposes, this preset is not ac-
tive for the Multifunction Total-
izer function with one preset,
the counter can only be used
for display purposes .For
counters with 2 presets, the
main preset always = output 2.
Output 1 = pre-signal, For the
batch counter and totalizer
functions, these act on preset
1. For the Multifunction Total-
izer function, preset 1 acts on
counter 1 and preset 2 on
counter 2.
In case of subtracting output
operations, a Reset sets the
counter to a new preset value.
Main menu for determining the
output operations
Adding count mode
Reset to zero
Subtracting count mode
Reset to the main preset
Adding count mode with au-
tomatic reset
Automatic reset to zero when
main preset is reached
Subtracting count mode
with automatic reset
Automatic reset to the main
preset when 0 is reached
Adding count mode with au-
tomatic reset and batch
Automatic reset to zero when
main preset is reached, the
batch counter counts the num-
ber of main presets reached
Subtracting count mode
with automatic reset and
batch counter
Automatic reset to Preset 2
when main counter = 0,
the batch counter counts the
number of main presets
Adding count mode with au-
tomatic reset and totalizer
Automatic reset to zero when
main preset is reached, the to-
talizer counts all counting
pulses of the main counter
Subtracting count mode
with automatic reset and to-
talizer (only for counter with 2
presets), Automatic reset to
Preset 2 when main counter =
0, the totalizer counts (sub-
tracts from Preset 1) all count-
ing pulses of the main counter
Adding count mode without
automatic reset and batch
The batch counter counts the
number of main presets