1 companion:
roll one by one the
time symbol twice
2 companions:
roll the time symbol
one after the other
3 companions:
roll the die symbol
one after the other
end of duel:
take magic gems from
cauldron and place on
one's collecting square
new duel
winner =
four magic gems
on collecting square
The time guardians
The other players are the time guardians. Take the following
number of dice:
• Game with one time guardian
The player takes two dice. Once the start command has
been given he rolls one die for as long as it takes until
the time symbol appears. The die stays where it is and
he immediately continues rolling the other die until this
one also shows the time symbol. Then he shouts out:
"Stop, witch!"
• Game with two time guardians:
Both players each take a die. Once the starting
command has been given the f rst player in a clockwise
direction rolls the die until the time symbol appears.
Then the second player immediately starts rolling his die.
As soon as the second time symbol appears, he shouts
out: "Stop, witch!"
• Game with three time guardians:
They each take one die. Once the starting command
has been given the f rst player in a clockwise direction
rolls his die until the time symbol appears. The next
player immediately starts and rolls the die. As soon as
the second time symbol appears, the third time guardian
rolls his die. As soon as the last time symbol appears, he
shouts out: "Stop, witch!"
"Stop, witch!"
As soon as a player yells "Stop, witch!" the duel is immediately
over. The player, who moved the witch, collects the magic
gems he was able to push with the help of Mumbo Jumbo
into the cauldron and places them according to their colors
on the corresponding collecting squares. The witch and the
dice are each passed on to the next respective players.
The f st time guardian is the next player to move the witch
and a new duel begins.
End of the Game
As soon as the f rst player has collected four gems on his
collecting square he yells the spell "Mumbo Jumbo little
broom – make the witch's powers loom!" and wins the game.