/ r
estArting protection
On short-time failure of the power voltage (plug discon-
nected, instable power mains etc.) the machine will stop.
When the power voltage recovers, the machine must be
turned OFF and back ON again. Then the machine is
ready for operation.
3.2 g
rinding tools
Use only grinding tools whose admissible maxi-
mum speed is equal to or higher than the no-load
speed of the machine.
Use only clean tools!
3.3 i
During operation avoid sharp bendings of the flex-
ible shaft. Excessively small bend radius will result
in premature wear. Strong whipping movements
and convulsions of the flexible shaft are signs of overload-
ing. As countermeasures use smaller tool or increase ro-
tational speed. However, this only in stict observation of
the instructions on the maximum allowed circumferential
speed of the respective tool.
4. S
4.1 p
reVentiVe mAintenAnce
4.1.1 m
AintenAnce of the mAchine
To work effectively and surely keep the
machine and the ventilation slots clean at
all times.
After approx. 150 operating hours check carbon brushes
and replace if necessary. Clean motor housing and re-
plenish grease filling in gearbox housing.
To maintain the protective insulation the machine must be
subjected to a technical safety inspection. This work must
be done exclusively by a specialized electrical workshop.
When working on metal under extreme working conditions
conductive dust deposits can occur inside the machine,
thereby impairing the protective insulation of the tool. In
such cases the use of a stationary vacuuming system,
frequent blowing out of the ventilation slots and protection
by a fault current protection switch are advised.
4.1.2 c
hAnging the cArBon Brushes
The machine is equipped with two carbon brush-
es. The carbon brushes must be changed as fol-
/ m
Loosen screws and remove bracket.
Loosen screws (1) and remove cover (2).
Raise the spring, and remove the carbon brushes. Clean
the carbon brush holders. Insert new carbon brushes. It
is imperative that the brushes are arranged in the correct
order. Replace the cover and tighten the screws.
4.1.3 m
AintenAnce of the flexiBle shAft
Store flexible shafts in dry and clean condition.
New or freshly greased shafts require a run-in
time of approx. 1 hour.
In case of daily use lubricate monthly: