Set Start Times
A START TIME is the time of day a program will start running. The EZ Pro™ allows four start
times per program.
Turn the large dial to the START TIMES position. Press SELECT '+' or '–' to select the start
time you want to set (1, 2, 3, or 4). Press ADJUST '+' or '–' to set the time of day the program
will start. Repeat as needed. To delete a start time, select the position between 11:59pm and
12:00am. The --:-- will appear indicating there is no start time.
Start Time Stacking
The EZ Pro™ will stack start times if your program watering times overlap another start time.
The additional start time will begin when the first cycle finishes.
Set % Water Budget
% WATER BUDGET changes the duration of run times in a program by the percentage
entered 0 - 200% (i.e., a 10 minute run time at 50% water budget will run 5 minutes). This
feature is useful when changes in weather occur. If it is unusually dry, you may want to extend
your run time for each zone in a program. With % Water Budget, you can change one number,
and all run times in the program are adjusted. If 24 hours of run time is exceeded 24 hr will
flash on the LCD.
Turn the large dial to the % WATER BUDGET position. A % symbol will appear on the LCD to
let you know you are working on the % Water Budget amount. Press ADJUST '+' or '–' to
choose the desired percentage amount.