2 Touch
to Add emoticon,
Delete or Delete all emoticons.
3 Touch Add emoticon to create a
new emoticon.
4 You can view the emoticon by
selecting it on the list and edit it
by touching it on the view screen.
Changing your text message
Your GW525g message settings
are predefined so that you can
send messages immediately. These
settings can be changed based on
your preferences.
then choose Settings
from the Communication menu.
Select Text message. You can
change the following options:
Text message centre - Enter the
details of your message centre.
Delivery report - Slide the switch
to right to receive confirmation that
your messages have been delivered.
Validity period - Choose how long
your messages are stored at the
message centre.
Message types - Convert your
text into Text, Voice, Fax, X.400 or
Character Encoding - Choose
how your characters are encoded.
This impacts on the size of your
messages and therefore on your
data charges.
Send long text as - Choose to send
long messages as Multiple SMS
messages or as a MMS.
Changing your multimedia
message settings
Your GW525g message settings
are predefined so that you can
send messages immediately. These
settings can be changed based on
your preferences.
, select
Choose Settings and Multimedia
Message. You can change the
following options: