Visual connection check
Check that all the connections have been made following the indications given in the "Electrical connections"
paragraph to the letter.
Check that all the isolating switches are open.
Batter fuse holder closure
close the switch/fuse of the battery rack (first check the polarity of the connections);
CAUTION: if a connection has been made which does not comply with the indications given in the
"Electrical connections" paragraph, the battery fuses may have been damaged. If this is the case,
contact the assistance service in order to prevent further damage to the UPS.
UPS power supply
Close the protection devices upstream from the UPS.
Closing the input, output and bypass isolating switches
Close the input isolating switch (SWIN), output isolating switch (SWOUT) and bypass isolating switch (SWBY).
The maintenance isolating switch (SWMB) must remain open.
¾ Wait for a few seconds after closing the SWIN. Check that the display
comes on and that the UPS is set to "STAND-BY" mode.
¾ Check that no error messages appear indicating an incorrect cyclical direction of the phases. If this error appears,
proceed as follows:
check which of the input or bypass connections the error refers to (only if the connection with separate bypass is
open all the battery box isolating switches and fuse holders.
wait until the UPS has switched off completely, checking that the display is off
open all the protection devices upstream from the UPS
remove the switch cover panel
correct the position of the cables relative to the terminal block signalled so that the cyclical direction of the phases
is respected
reposition the switch cover panel
repeat the power-on operations, including the "Preliminary operations"
IV333 Rev.000 SIEL S.p.A.
Data di emissione: 2011-09-28
Pag. 72 di 246 + FR