This connector is used for connecting the optional encoder. The connector must be correctly oriented – do not
The board is supplied with a standard parametrisation entailing the use of encoder "A0" (see paragraph 10). If you do
not wish to use the encoder, you must modify the value of parameter "A", as described in paragraph 10, and leave
this connector free.
Do not on any account create jumper bridges between these contacts.
Four levels of obstacle detection sensitivity can be adjusted using the parameter "b", see paragraph 0.
5.2.1. encoder operation
The encoder, if used, enables to further increase the level of the automated system safety.
This device is active both at closure and at opening of the automated system as explained below:
At closure
If an obstacle is detected during the closing phase of the automated system, the encoder reverses the movement of
the automated system till the complete opening, without disactivating the automatic re-closure if set.
If it activates three consecutive times the automated system, after having reached the opening position, sets to STOP ,
disactivating the automatic re-closure, if set. To resume normal operation, send an OPEN or CLOSE impulse after having
removed the obstacle.
At opening
If an obstacle is detected during the opening phase of the automated system, the encoder reverses the movement
of the automated system till the complete re-closure.
5.3.1. o
pening travel liMit device
Terminal "12". Connect, to this the terminal, the wire of the NC contact opening
travel limit device. This acts on the opening movement of the beam, stopping
its movement.
When the travel limit device is activated, the automated system continues
manoeuvring for a further 2 seconds. The status of this input is signalled by LED
The FCA travel limit device cannot be used as the start of the slowed down
section, but only for stopping.
The travel limit device is absolutely necessary to ensure that the automated
system operates.
5.3.2. c
oMMon contact For travel liMit device
Terminal "13". Connect to this terminal the common contact wire of the travel
limit devices.
This terminal must be used only for the common contact of the two travel limit devices. Do not use it as a negative
contact of other devices.
5.3.3. c
losing travel liMit device
Terminal "14". Connect, to this terminal, the wire of the NC contact of the closing travel limit device. This acts on the
closing movement of the beam, stopping movement. When the travel limit device is activated, the automated system
continues the manoeuvre for another 2 seconds. The status of this input is signalled by LED FCC.
The FCC travel limit device cannot be used as the start of the slowed down section, but only for stopping.
The travel limit device is absolutely necessary to ensure that the automated system operates.