attached to the back d-ring of their full body harness and tied-off to
the structure on which they are positioning as a back up device.
2.8: Free-Fall
Free-Fall is the distance that a worker will fall before the connecting
device or deceleration device elements of the PFAS will begin to engage
during a fall event. OSHA allows a maximum Free-Fall Distance of 6' (6
feet) when rigging a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS). In some
cases, exceptions may be allowed when there is no practical way to limit
the Free-Fall Distance to 6', such as a job-site where no overhead
anchor-point is available. Tying off in a manner that would create a
Free-Fall greater than 6' should always be a last resort. If you are
rigging a system that allows more than 6' of Free-Fall, make sure your
Connecting Device/Deceleration Device is rated for this application.
2.9: Clear-Fall
Clear-Fall or Clear-Fall Distance is the distance that is required to
safely arrest the fall of a user. When working at heights and using a
PFAS, it is important to consider the distance between the
walking/working level and the next lower level to ensure that the
components selected are capable of arresting the user's fall before they
hit the next lower level. The required Clear-Fall Distance can easily be
calculated by adding together the Free-Fall Distance, the Deceleration
Distance, the height of the user plus a safety factor of 2 feet. The
formula for calculating Clear-Fall Distance is shown below:
Free-Fall Distance + Deceleration Distance + Height of Worker + Safety Factor = Clear-Fall
The matrix below can be used as a guide for calculating Clear-Fall
Distance on your job-site:
Free-Fall Distance
(OSHA allows up to 6')
(Typically 3.5' or less)
Height of Worker
Safety Factor
(Minimum of 2')
(Sum of all values)
Example Values
Actual Values