You have decided in favor of Spartherm fireplace inserts. Thank you
very much for your trust in our company.
In a world of excess and mass production, our company stands for the
values expressed by our owner, Mr. Gerhard Manfred Rokossa:
„High technical quality combined with contemporary design, and ser-
vice to the satisfaction of our customers so they will recommend us
to others."
We provide you with excellent products that will reach your custo-
mers' emotions and speak to feelings such as security and comfort.
In order to be successful, we recommend that you read these instal-
lation instructions carefully in order to quickly become thoroughly
familiar with the product. In addition to information on how to install
the product, these instructions also contain important operating notes
regarding fireplace insert safety and maintenance and give valuable
tips and suggestions. If you have more questions or problems, please
contact us directly. We are always grateful for your feedback.
We hope you enjoy installing our fireplace inserts and
may your fire keep burning beautifully.
Your Spartherm Team
G.M. Rokossa
GB 2