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Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

• Los broches se insertan con dificultad (se observa resistencia).
• La hebilla del arnés solo se abre si se aplica mucha fuerza al botón de apertura.
Limpie la hebilla del arnés para que recupere su funcionalidad original.
1. Siga los pasos decritos en el capítulo 6 para retirar la hebilla (21) de la silla
(fig. 53, 54, 55).
2. Sumerja la hebilla del arnés en agua tibia con detergente líquido durante
por lo menos 1 hora. Sáquelo del agua y séquelo cuidadosamente.
8.2 Limpieza
• La tapicería de la silla se puede desmontar y limpiar. Por favor, siga las
instrucciones de lavado de la etiqueta que acompaña a la tapicería.
Retirar la tapicería
A) Reposacabezas
1. Coloque el reposacabezas en su posición más alta (fig. 57).
2. Suelte las gomas de la tapicería del reposacabezas retirándolas de los ganchos
de plástico de la parte trasera para poder retirar por completo la funda (fig. 58).
B) Cuerpo de la tapicería
1. Desenganche la tapicería de los ganchos de la parte inferior (fig. 59).
2. Retire la tapicería (fig. 60)
Para volver a colocar la funda siga los pasos anteriores a la inversa.
1. Quedan excluidos los defectos o averías producidas por uso inadecuado,
o el incumplimiento de las normas de seguridad de instalación y
mantenimiento descritas en las hojas de instrucciones que acompañan
los productos.
2. Garantizada la reparación totalmente gratuita de defectos originarios.
3. En los supuestos en que la reparación efectuada no fuera satisfactoria
y el producto no revistiese las condiciones óptimas para cumplir el uso
a que estuviese destinado, el titular de la garantía tendrá derecho a la
sustitución del artículo adquirido por otro de similares características o a
la devolución del precio pagado, en los 2 años siguientes a la fecha.
4. La garantía se considerará automáticamente cancelada si el artículo
adquirido hubiera sido reparado o hubiera intentado repararlo una
persona no autorizada por nuestra empresa.
Read the instructions carefully before
installing the child seat in the vehicle.
1. only suitable if the approved vehicle has been fitted with three-point safety
belts that meet ECE standard nº 16 or equivalent.
2. Please read these instructions carefully, as incorrect installation could
result in serious injury. if any injuries should occur as a result of incorrect
installation, the manufacturer will accept no responsibility.
3. This child safety seat is suitable for use as group 123 from approx. 9
months to 12 years age / 9-36 kg.
4. This child seat must be used wiTH the harness system for children weighing
between 0 kg and 18 kg.  
5. This child seat may be used wiTHoUT the harness system for children
weighing between 15 kg and 36 kg.
6. This child seat is in accordance with the ECE R44/04 regulations and may
be installed in the majority of vehicles equipped with approved points,
such as iSoFiX points, in accordance with ECE regulation 16. However,
prior to purchase, the child seat should always be tested in your vehicle
with the child seated, in order to ensure that the model meets your needs.
7. never use the child safety seat without its cover.
8. Protect the child safety seat from direct sunlight, as the seat can get very
hot and harm the child.
9. Child seats or accessories that are damaged or have been used
incorrectly must be replaced.
10. Do not leave heavy objects inside the car, as these may injure the child in
the event of an accident.
11. Ensure that no part of the child seat is caught in the door of the vehicle
or in a reclining seat. in addition, ensure that the safety seat is correctly
installed and secured.
12. Do not disassemble, modify, or add any piece to the child seat or harness,
as this would seriously affect its basic functioning and the safety that the
child seat provides.
13. The safety seat must remain installed in the vehicle. Even if the child is
not seated in the car seat. The child must never be left unattended while
seated in the safety seat, not even outside the vehicle.
14. Keep the safety seat away from corrosive products.
15. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of its products, but not the quality
of second-hand products or products belonging to other companies.
BCA 123


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