Informaciones generales
Atención. No se asume la responsabilidad por eventuales daños en caso de:
empleo erróneo y no conforme a las finalidades previstas;
reparaciones no efectuadas en centros de asistencia autorizados;
modificación del cable de alimentación;
modificación de cualquier componente de la máquina;
empleo de piezas de recambio y accesorios no originales.
En estos casos se anula la garantía.
Conservar estas instrucciones de uso en un lugar seguro y adjuntarlas al aparato en caso de que
otra persona tuviera que utilizarlas.
Para ulteriores informaciones o en caso de problemas no completamente tratados o de modo
insuficiente en las presentes instrucciones, contactar a los especialistas competentes.
No dirigir el chorro de vapor
contra sí mismos y/o sobre
p e r s o n a s , a n i m a l e s ,
aparatos que contengan
componentes eléctricos (por
ej. interior de los hornos)
Potencia suministrable por
P Max 800 W
la toma accesorios 800W
Con reserva de modificaciones de construcción y ejecución debidas al progreso tecnológico.
Máquina conforme a la Directiva Europea 89/336/CEE (Decreto legislativo 476 del 04/12/92),
relativa a la eliminación de las perturbaciones radiotelevisivas.
En la eventualidad de
s a l i d a d e a g u a
hirviente o vapor hay
peligro de quemaduras.
Keep the connecting ends of the accessories clean and adequately lubricated.
If you notice that heating times get noticeably longer and that stabilised operating pressure gets
lower, it means that scale has built-up and needs to be removed. In this case, apply to an Authorised
Service Centre to de-scale the boiler.
These instructions contain essential information for proper operation and accurate maintenance of
the appliance as well as information on machine functions.
• Understanding such information and adhering to the instructions given in this booklet is critical
for hazardless, safe operation and maintenance of the appliance.
• Please contact your local retailer or the manufacturer if you require further information or if you
encounter problems that you feel have not been adequately covered or explained clearly in these
instructions for use.
•Please note that the contents of this instructions manual are not part of any earlier or existing
arrangement, legal agreement or contract and that no future arrangement, agreement or contract
will alter the substance of the contents in this manual.
• All of the manufacturer's obligations are contained in the appliance sale agreement, which also
contains the full and exclusive terms and conditions of guarantee.
• All the terms of guarantee contained in the sale agreement are neither restricted nor extended
by way of these explanations.
• These instructions for use contain information protected by copyright.
• These instructions for use may not be photocopied or translated into another language without
the prior written permission of the Manufacturer.
Disposal of the appliance
• Appliances no longer in use should be made inoperative.
•Disconnect the plug from the socket and cut the electrical cable.
• Appliances no longer in use should be sent to an appropriate waste collection centre.
Legal notice