• Brown rice takes longer to cook and requires more water than white rice due to the extra bran layers on the grains. The water lines in the inner pot are meant for white
rice only. Please see the chart above for brown rice/water ratios.
• Brown rice, wild rice and rice mixes vary in their make-up. Some variations may require longer cooking times and/or additional water in order to achieve optimum results.
Refer to the individual package instructions for cooking suggestions.
• The measuring cup included adheres to rice industry standards (180mL) and is not equal to one U.S. cup. The chart above refers to cups of rice/water according to the
measuring cup provided.
• Do not place more than 10 cups of uncooked rice (9 cups if brown rice) into this appliance at one time. The maximum capacity of this unit is 10 cups raw rice
(9 cups if brown rice) which yields 20 cups of cooked rice (18 cups brown rice).