• Disconnect the plug of the appliance before any servicing and do not touch the terminals of the capacitor (risk of
residual voltage).
• From time to time clean the coffee outlet. Products to be used for cleaning are clear water and specific cleaning
products for stainless steel plate. Do not clean the machine with a spray or high pressure cleaner.
• Grinding discs ref. (19) and ref. (21) are identical, the 2 discs must always be changed at the same time.
• Increase the distance between the grinding discs to the maximum (turn the selection knob ref. (6), in
clockwise direction). This precautionary measure will enable you to proceed with assembly of the grinding body, after
changing the discs, without the risk of distorting component parts, or the motor stalling.
• Unscrew and remove the locking screw ref. (5), remove the selection knob for grinding ref. (6) with the spring ref.
(16), the indexing pin ref. (17) and the set pointer for selecting grinding ref. (4) with its locking screw ref. (15).
• Remove the front upper plate ref. (3) bearing the on/off switch ref. (9).
• Empty the hopper ref. (2), remove the holding rod ref. (11) from the hopper.
• Remove the hopper ref. (2) with its lid ref. (1) and the coffee bean inlet nozzle ref. (10).
• Unscrew the 3 checking nuts ref. (13) from the entire grinding body ref. (14) to have access to the grinding discs.
• Remove the entire grinding body ref. (14) and the entire bagging device ref. (8).
• Unscrew the 3 fastening screws ref. (18) from the worn mobile disc ref. (19) on the mobile disc carrier tray ref. (20).
• Unscrew the 3 fastening screws ref. (18) from the worn fixed disc ref. (21) on the fixed disc carrier grinding unit ref.
• Thoroughly clean the contact surfaces of the mobile disc carrier tray ref. (20) and of the fixed disc carrier
grinding unit ref. (22), before refitting the new grinding discs.
• Change the mobile disc ref. (19) held by 3 screws ref. (18) on the disc carrier tray ref. (20).
• Change the fixed disc ref. (21) held by 3 screws ref. (18) on the disc carrier grinding unit ref. (22).
• Re-assemble the grinding body ref. (14) with the entire bagging device ref. (8), then tighten the 3 checking nuts ref.
(13) on the grinding body ref. (14).
• Re-assemble the front upper plate, ref. (3) bearing the on/off switch ref. (9).
• Re-assemble the selection knob for grinding ref. (6) with the spring ref. (16), the indexing pin of the knob ref. (17) and
the set pointer for selecting grinding ref. (4) with its locking screw ref. (15), then tighten the checking screw of the
knob ref. (5).
• Proceed with selection of grinding (see paragraph on "Selection of grinding").
• Proceed with any resetting of the indexing pin.
This coffee grinder N° 43 can only process roasted coffee beans.
98143 US 3.0 - 07/2010