Risk generated by the welding arc
The welding arc produces radia�on that can damage the eyes and burn the skin. In addi�on to visible light
and heat, the welding arc emits UV radia�on that is invisible to the human eye. In unprotected eyes UV
radia�on can cause damage to the re�na and even detachment. UV radia�on can cause burns to the skin
without protec�on. The electric arc can give off hot metal par�cles that can cause injury. In addi�on to
this, the welding process produces sparks, spa�er, and hea�ng in the various materials involved that can
cause burns.
• Always wear a face shield. Warning: The product is delivered without a face shield. Purchase a cer�fied
face mask and quality cer�fied protec�ve glass. The level of protec�on must be at least 9 -10. You should
also have a tool to remove the slag from the weld bead and a welding wire brush.
• Make sure the face shield protects the en�re face.
• Warn people around the welding machine of the hazards of the arc for the eye. If possible, use warning
signs indica�ng not to look directly at the welding arc. Use barriers to keep non -welding work related
personnel at least 15 meters from the welding work site.
• Walls in the immediate area or places to be welded should not be light colored or with glossy finishe s.
• Windows must be protected from radia�on by covering them at least up to head height.
• Wear welding gloves that offer protec�on to the arms when the operator is welding.
• Wear boots that protect the foot from the sparks produced by the process.
• Do not wear synthe�c clothing while welding.
• Always keep in mind that a�er welding the work surface and the excess electrode are hot.
• Wait un�l the applied weld cools down to remove the slag or perform other work on it, likewise remove
the welding rod stub from the electrode holder by pressing towards the lever of the electrode holder.
• As a welder, wear appropriate clothing to protect your physical integrity:
Leather accessories for hands and arms, leather apron and leather boots. If you weld over your head wear