20. dISplayInG paRaMEtERS On tHE dISplay ("InfO" MOdE)
Proceed as follows to display boiler parameters on the front panel display:
iMportant: the following operations (figure 14), it has to be carried out in fast sequence in a short time (~ 4 seconds)
without making any break during the steps:
1) with the control knob (
) quickly turn control knob clockwise through about a
3) again turns the control knob fully anti-clockwise to it minimum value
4) then set back the control knob to it original position.
Figure 14
note: in "inFo" mode, the display (4 - figure 1) alternates between the message "a00" and ch temperature.
turn the control knob (
a00: domestic hot water output temperature (°C);
outdoor temperature (in °C) with outdoor sensor probe connected;
the value (%) of the modulator current (100% = 230 mA NATURAL GAS - 100% = 310 mA LPG);
heat output (%) power range (max R);
central heating water output setpoint temperature (°C);
central heating water output temperature (°C);
valve (µA) of the ionization current.
note: program lines from a06 - a08 - a09 are not used.
"INFO" function remains active for 3 minutes. To exit "INFO" function before this time repeat the operation as described
in points 1...4 or cutting OFF the power supply to the boiler.
instructions pertaininG to the
) in any position turns it fully anti-clockwise to the minimum value;
) to display the following informations:
94.674. - GB