1. The Source option can be set to None, Displayed Weight, ABS
Displayed Weight, Gross Weight. None disables the analog output.
When Displayed Weight is selected, the analog signal is based on the
displayed net or gross weight. When Gross Weight is selected, the
analog signal is based on the gross weight regardless of what the net
weight might be.
2. The Output Type can be set to 4-20mA or 0-10V.
3. If the reading of the scale is Zero Value, the analog signal output will
be 4 mA or 0V. Typically, this will be "0", and any value below the
upper limit is available.
4. If the reading of the scale is Full Scale Value, the analog signal output
will be 20 mA or 10V. Typically, this will be the scale capacity, but it
could be lower.
5. After select Cal Output Zero or Cal Output Span submenu, the
analog output can be adjusted to meet customer's requirements using
soft keys. They are defined as below:
Soft key 1
Soft key 2
Soft key 3
Soft key 4
Soft key 5
It adjusts the analog signal level down in large steps.
Fine Down
It adjusts the analog level down in small steps.
It exits the sub-menu.
Coarse Up
It adjusts the analog signal level up in large steps.
Fine Up
It adjusts the analog signal level up in small steps.