Genius ZODIAC 60 Manual Del Usuario página 113

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  • MEXICANO, página 71
Read the instructions carefully before using the product and store them for future use.
I� �orre�tly installe� an� use�� the ZODIAC 60 auto�ate� syste� will ensure a hi�h �e�ree o� sa�ety�
So�e si�ple rules on �eha�iour �an pre�ent a��i�ental trou�le:
� Do not� un�er any �ir�u�stan�es� stan� un�er the �oor�
� Do not allow persons� ani�als or thin�s to stay near the auto�ate� syste�s� espe�ially while they are
� Transit �ust o��ur while the �oor is �ully open an� with the auto�ate� syste� stoppe�� Keep the �oor
un�er �ontrol �urin� the entire �o�e�ent an� pre�ent other people a��essin� the area in�ol�e��
� Keep re�ote��ontrols� or other pulse �enerators that �oul� open the �oor� well away �ro� �hil�ren�
� On�e a �onth: �he�k i� the anti��rushin� syste� is a�le to �ete�t the presen�e o� a ��0 �� hi�h
o�sta�le lai� on the �roun��
� Do not allow �hil�ren to play with the auto�ate� syste��
� Do not willin�ly o�stru�t �oor �o�e�ent�
� Pre�ent any �ran�hes or shru�s �ro� inter�erin� with �oor �o�e�ent�
� Keep the in�i�ator�li�hts e��i�ient an� easy to see�
� Do not atte�pt to a�ti�ate the �oor �y han� unless you ha�e release� it�
� In the e�ent o� �al�un�tions� release the �oor to allow a��ess an� wait �or quali�ie� te�hni�al personnel to �o the ne�essary work�
� When you ha�e set �anual operation �o�e� �ut power to the syste� �e�ore restorin� nor�al operation�
� Do not in any way �o�i�y the �o�ponents o� the auto�ate� syste��
� Do not atte�pt any kin� o� repair or �ire�t a�tion whate�er an� �onta�t quali�ie� GENIUS personnel only�
� At least e�ery si� �onths: arran�e a �he�k �y quali�ie� personnel o� the auto�ate� syste� an� the sa�ety �e�i�es�
The ZODIAC 60 auto�ate� syste� is i�eal to auto�ate �alan�e� se�tional �oors o� sin�le �ara�es �or resi�ential use�
The auto�ate� syste�s �onsist o� an ele�tro��e�hani�al operator� ele�troni� �ontrol unit an� �ourtesy li�ht �uilt into a sin�le unit�
The syste� is non�re�ersin� an�� there�ore� the �oor lo�ks �e�hani�ally when the �otor is not operatin� an�� �onsequently� no lo�k is ne�essary;
a �anual release �akes it possi�le to �o�e the �oor in �ase o� a power �ut or �ault�
The auto�ate� syste� has an ele�troni� o�sta�le �ete�tion syste�� I� an o�sta�le is �ete�te� �urin� the �losin� �anoeu�re� the auto�ate�
syste� �ully re�opens the �oor� I� the auto�ate� syste� operates in auto�ati� lo�i�� the �oor re��loses
a�ter the pause ti�e� otherwise� a new pulse has to �e �i�en to �o��an� �losure� I� an o�sta�le is
�ete�te� �urin� the openin� �anoeu�re� this will stop �otion (e��� thus pre�entin� thin�s an� people
�ro� �ein� li�te�)� To restore nor�al operation� �i�e a new openin� pulse�
I�� �urin� �losure� an o�sta�le is �ete�te� in the sa�e position �ore than three �onse�uti�e ti�es� the
auto�ate� syste� �onsi�ers this �istan�e as the new �losin� �onta�t point an� �oes into �lose� status�
To restore the �orre�t positions� re�o�e the o�sta�le an� �o��an� a new �y�le: at the ne�t �losure�
the auto�ate� syste� will a��an�e at low spee� until it �ete�ts the �losin� �onta�t point�
The �oor is nor�ally �lose�; when the �ontrol unit re�ei�es an openin� �o��an� �y ra�io �ontrol�
or �ro� another type o� pulse �enerator (Fi�� �)� it a�ti�ates the ele�tri� �otor whi�h� �y �eans o� a
trans�ission �hain or �elt� pulls the �oor open to allow a��ess�
� I� the auto�ati� �o�e was set� the �oor �loses auto�ati�ally a�ter pause ti�e has elapse�� An
openin� pulse �i�en �urin� the openin� sta�e has no e��e�t�
� I� the se�i�auto�ati� �o�e was set� a se�on� pulse �ust �e sent to �lose the lea� a�ain�
� An openin� pulse supplie� �urin� openin�� stops �o�e�ent� An openin� pulse �i�en �urin� re��losin��
always �auses �o�e�ent to �e re�erse��
� A stop pulse (i� spe�i�ie�) always stops �o�e�ent�
For �etails o� �oor a�ti�ity �urin� the �i��erent lo�i�s� �onsult the installation en�ineer�
A��essories (photo�ells) �ay �e present in auto�ate� syste�s� that pre�ent the �oor �ro� �losin� when
there is an o�sta�le in the area they �ontrol�
E�er�en�y �anual openin� is possi�le �y usin� the release syste��
The in�i�ator�li�ht (i� supplie�) in�i�ates the �urrent �oor �o�e�ent�
The �ourtesy li�ht is a�ti�ate� when the �otor starts an� �ontinues �or a�out � �inutes a�ter it turns o���
I� the �ourtesy li�ht �lashes� this �eans that auto�ate� syste� is in shut��own status �ue to a �ault� an�
quali�ie� personnel �ust �e �alle� in to repair�
The ZODIAC 60 operator is equippe� with an e�er�en�y release syste� a�ti�ate� �ro� the insi�e – how�
e�er� a lo�k �an �e �itte� on request� �or a�ti�atin� the release �ro� the outsi�e too�
I� the �oor has to �e �o�e� �anually �ue to a power �ut or �ault o� the auto�ate� syste�� use the
release �e�i�e as �ollows:
� Turn o�� ele�tri� power to the syste��
� Release the operator� �y pullin� the release han�le �ownwar� (Fi�� � re�� A)�
Attention: make sure that there are no persons, animals or ob�ects in the door movement area during
the release manoeuvre.
� Relo�k the auto�ate� syste� �y pullin� the han�le horizontally (Fi�� � re�� B) an� �ake sure that� when
you release it� the "LOCK" win�ow un�er the �arria�e is re�� to �on�ir� �orre�t resettin��
� Mo�e the �oor until you �in� the hook�on point�
� Power up the syste��
The ZODIAC 60 auto�ate� syste� �oes not require any perio�i� repla�e�ent o� parts�
To repla�e the la�p� �rip the �eilin� li�ht with one han� an� pull �ownwar�� as shown in Fi�� ���
Uns�rew the la�p (type E�� � ���0 Va� � �a� �0 W) an� re�position the �eilin� li�ht�
User�s guide


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