Excessive movement
Over range
Saturated signal
Time out
Chapter 16
Abnormal Phenomenons
BP measurement values too high or
too low
No pressure
Cuff deflates in short time
It can not carry on measurement when press the measurement button
The signal extent is too big owing to
the arm or body moving or other rea-
sons when measuring
It takes too much time
Cuff is not connected correctly.
Talk or move arms when measuring
The turnup clothing presses the arm
Cuff leakage
The cuff windpipe is not correctly con-
nected with cuff
Cuff is not inflated
Loose cuff
Keep arm, body still, measure again
Correctly connect cuff
(refer to Chapter 10)
Keep quiet and restart a measurement
Take off the clothing which presses the
arm, and restart a measurement
Buy a new cuff
Correctly connect
Stop using the device and contact us
Correctly apply cuff
Switch on the power once again and
restart a measurement