4.2.2 Allowable Length and Height Difference of Connection Pipe
(1) Y-type branch joint is adopted to connect outdoor unit, indoor unit and hot water converter.
Connecting method is shown below.
Equivalent length of one Y-type branch is 0.5m.
Piping parameters of GMV-S120WL/A-S, GMV-S140WL/A-S and GMV-S160WL/A-S:
Total length (actual length) of connecting pipe
Length of the farthest connecting pipe
The farthest connection pipe from the outdoor units to the hot
water converter
Height difference between outdoor unit and hot water converter
Distance between hot water converter and the water tank
Height difference between hot water converter and water tank
From the first branch to the farthest indoor pipe
Height difference between indoor and
outdoor units
Height difference between indoor units (including hot water
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