Check for continuity through the high-limit thermostat.
Check for continuity through the high-limit thermostat.
Verifique la continuidad mediante el termostato de seguridad.
Check for continuity through the high-limit thermostat.
Check the resistance of the heating element. It should read approximately 10-11 ohms.
Check the resistance of the heating element. It should read approximately 10-11 ohms.
Verifique la resistencia del elemento de calentamiento. Debe indicar aproximadamente 10 u 11 ohmios.
Check the resistance of the heating element. It should read approximately 10-11 ohms.
Dispensing System
Dispensing System
Sistema dispensador
Dispensing System
Not Brewing
Not Brewing
No prepara
Not Brewing
During the brew process, the inlet solenoid valve receives approximately 120VAC from the control board, check
During the brew process, the inlet solenoid valve receives approximately 120VAC from the control board, check
voltage at the valve. Remove the wires from the valve and measure the resistance of the valve coil, it should read ap-
Durante el proceso de preparación, la válvula de admisión de solenoide recibe aproximadamente 120 VCA del
During the brew process, the inlet solenoid valve receives approximately 120VAC from the control board, check
voltage at the valve. Remove the wires from the valve and measure the resistance of the valve coil, it should read ap-
proximately 1400ohms.
tablero de control; verifique el voltaje en la válvula. Retire los cables de la válvula y mida la resistencia de la bobina
voltage at the valve. Remove the wires from the valve and measure the resistance of the valve coil, it should read ap-
proximately 1400ohms.
de la válvula, debe indicar aproximadamente 1400 ohmios.
proximately 1400ohms.
No Wave
No Wave
Sin ondas
No Wave
Check the vent valve and air pump both components receive 12VDC from the control board.
Check the vent valve and air pump both components receive 12VDC from the control board.
Verifique la válvula de ventilación y la bomba de aire, ambos componentes reciben 12 VCC del tablero de control.
Check the vent valve and air pump both components receive 12VDC from the control board.
Brew Basket Overflowing
Brew Basket Overflowing
Brew Basket Overflowing
Check the sprayhead tube and sprayhead for scale build-up.
Check the sprayhead tube and sprayhead for scale build-up.
Check the sprayhead tube and sprayhead for scale build-up.
Verifique el tubo del cabezal de rociado en busca de acumulación de óxido.
Switching Component Map
Switching Component Map
Mapa de componentes
Switching Component Map
de conmutación
1. TH1 = Heater
1. TH1 = Heater
2. Q2 = Air Pump
1. TH1 = Heater
2. Q2 = Air Pump
1. TH1 = Calentador
3. Q4 = Vent Valve
2. Q2 = Air Pump
3. Q4 = Vent Valve
2. Q2 = Bomba de aire
4. Q8 = Inlet Valve
3. Q4 = Vent Valve
4. Q8 = Inlet Valve
3. Q4 = Válvula de ventilación
4. Q8 = Inlet Valve
4. Q8 = Válvula de admisión
Training Manual
Training Manual
Training Manual
Bunn-O-Matic Corporation