Before placing a blade into the incision, be sure the clamp section of the blade holder is as far back toward the proximal end of the
holder as possible (1). Also, make sure that the tip of the blade holder is in a neutral position (parallel to blade holder shaft) (inset 2). The
proximal knob adjusts the position of the blade holder tip (inset 3). Notice the range of motion the distal end of the blade holder has
when in the neutral position. This is important for maintaining exact blade placement in the wound while approximating the blade
holder clamp position with the frame.
With the blade attached to the holder, place the blade into the desired
position in the wound. While the surgeon maintains the blades position, the
assistant aligns the clamp with the frame arm. This will require depressing the
release button on the side of the blade holder clamp shown in step #9 and
sliding the clamp to the proper position.
While continuing to maintain the blades position in the wound, the clamp can
be snapped on to the frame. Be sure the securing handle of the clamp is in the
unlocked position. The clamp is snapped on to the frame arm by squeezing the
frame and clamp body between the thumb and forefinger. The clamp is locked
by pushing the securing handle in a clockwise direction (inset).