Slip the ribbon under the feet and around the shoulders. Bend
your legs slowly and controlled, tilt your upper body slightly
forward and push your bottom slightly backwards. Keep your
thighs parallel to the floor, your pelvis upright and your knees
above the tips of your toes. Exhale as you press up, tense your
buttocks and press your heels into the floor. In the final position
the hips and knees are extended.
Securely fasten the band to the bar with a loop. Place one foot
in the band and keep it straight. Grasp bar about shoulder width
apart, fingers pointing away from body. Pull upwards, tensing the
abdominal and gluteal muscles. Head facing forward. In the upright
position the chin is positioned over the bar and the forearms
against the body. Hold the position briefly and then slowly lower in
a controlled motion.