Eli Vastavusdeklaratsioon; Eu Declaration Of Conformity - Cellfast ergo 52-590 Manual De Usuario

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ma eest kaitstud kohas. JÄÄTMETÖÖTLUS: Vastavalt direktiivile 2012/19/
EL. Seadet ei tohi ära visata koos olmejäätmetega. Seade tuleb utiliseerida
kooskõlas kohalike keskkonnakaitsealate eeskirjadega. RIKETE KÕRVALDA-
MINE: 1. Ekraan on pime: aku on tühi > jätke seade umbes 30 minutiks päike-
se kätte; ekraani temperatuur on kõrgem kui 70 °C > näidud ilmuvad, kui ek-
raan on jantunud. 2. Leke ühenduskohas: filtri tihend on kahjustatud >
vahetage tihend välja; ühendus on kraani juurest lahti tulnud > keerake uuesti
kinni. 3. Ventiil ei sulgu / ei avane: kraan on kinni > keerake kraan lahti; filter
on saastunud > puhastage filter; puudub vähemalt 0,5-baarine surve > taga-
ge surve vähemalt 0,5 baari. REMONT: Kui punktis RIKETE KÕRVALDAMINE
loetletud tegevused ei aita ja seade ei hakka uuesti õigesti tööle, võtke sead-
me kontrollimiseks ühendust tootjaga. Kui volitamata isikud üritavad seadet
lahti võtta, kaotab garantii kehtivuse. TARVIKUD: Kasutage vaid originaaltarvi-
kuid, mis tagavad seadme nõuetekohase ja riketeta töö. Tarvikuid puudutava
info leiate veebilehelt www.cellfast.com.pl. GARANTII: Ettevõte Cellfast annab
uutele originaaltoodetele 2-aastase garantii tingimusel, et tooted on ostetud
tarbijaringlusest ja neid on kasutatud ainult kodustes tingimustes. Toote või-
malikud rikked kõrvaldatakse garantiiaja jooksul tasuta, kui need on tingitud
materjali- või tootmisveast. Garantiiremondi küsimustes palume pöörduda
kas edasimüüja või otse tootja poole ja esitada ostudokument. Täpsema info
garantii kohta leiate veebilehelt www.cellfast.com.pl.
Käesolev seade meie poolt müügile kastud versioonis vastab ELi ühtlustatud
direktiivide, ELi ohutusstandardite ja konkreetseid tooteid käsitlevate standar-
dite nõuetele. Käesolev deklaratsioon kaotab kehtivuse, kui seadme juures te-
hakse meiega kooskõlastamata muudatusi.
Mudel: 52-590 - Päikesepatareiga kastmiskontroller ERGO™
Kasutamine: Kastmise juhtimine.
Kohaldatavad ELi direktiivid: 2014/30/EC, 2011/65/EC, 1907/2006.
CELL-FAST Sp. z o.o.
ul. W. Grabskiego 31
PL 37-450 Stalowa Wola
Volitatud isik: Bogusław Frączek
Stalowa Wola, 19.03.2020
Intended purpose: automatic water flow control in irrigation systems. Applica-
tion: home use. Place of installation: outdoor and indoor taps. Operating position:
vertical, with connector [D] pointed upwards. Medium: water. Applied directives
and standards: 2014/30/EC, 2011/65/EC, 1907/2006. TECHNICAL SPECI-
FICATIONS: Min./max. operating pressure: 0.5 bar / 6 bar. Range of operating
temp.: 5°C to 50°C. Flowing medium: clean freshwater. Max. medium temp.:
40°C. Irrigation functions: Automatic irrigation, Manual irrigation, Timeout to irri-
gation, Termination of irrigation. Power supply: solar panel + Li-Ion battery. Run
time: 30 minutes of charging = 2 months of operation. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
(fig. A): [A] Bushing gasket, [B] Bushing with int. thread G3/4" (26.5 mm), [C]
Gasket with filter, [D] Connector with int. thread G1" (33.3 mm), [E] Controller
body, [F] Hose fitting. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the original User Manual
before the first use of the product and follow it. Keep the User Manual for future
reference and pass it with the product to the next user, if any. INTENDED USE:
This product is intended for home use. Do not use it for industrial applications.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage caused by non-intended use
of this product, its incorrect handling or installation. For safety reasons, the prod-
uct must not be used by children, youth less than 16 years of age, or anyone
who has not read and understood the User Manual. Mentally and/or physically
challenged can operate the product under supervision of (or having been in-
structed by) a competent, able-bodied individual. Mind the children. The product
is not a toy and children must never play with it. DANGER! The device must not
be used for industrial purposes and in connection with chemicals, foodstuff, and
flammable or explosive substances. Cardiac arrest! During operation, the device
generates electromagnetic field. Under specific conditions, this field may affect
active and passive implantable medical devices. In order to avoid the risk of seri-
ous or fatal injury, we recommend that the persons with implantable medical de-
vices should consult the doctor or the device's manufacturer prior to using the
device. SAFETY: Do not use the device in potable water systems. Use the device
only for clean water with max. temp. of 40°C. Protect the device against direct
water splashes and never immerse the device in water. Check the device before
any use for damage. In the case of visible damage discontinue using the device.
Do not use any sealing compounds or lubricants to connect the device to the tap.
Never pull the hose when it is connected. Do not install the device near heat
sources (max. ambient temperature 60°C). Do not use the device near live devic-
es. START-UP (fig. A): Close the tap before starting the device. Check the battery
charge level. If it is low, leave the device exposed to sunlight for approximately 30
minutes. Connect the device to the tap. If required, use the bushing [B]. Open the
tap and check if the connection is tight. OPERATION (fig. B): [1] Automatic mode,
[2] Main switch, [3] Time setting, [4] Start time, [5] Frequency, [6] Run time, [7]
Mode indicator, [8] Water flow / Stop, [9] Battery indicator, [10] Manual mode,
[11] Selector, [12] Increase button, [13] Decrease button. TIME SETTING (fig.
C): Press and hold [11] for 5 seconds to reset. Then use the buttons [12] and
[13] to set proper time on the clock. When using the buttons [12] and [13], hold
them to scroll faster. Press [11] to save time settings and access [4] START
TIME module. START TIME (fig. D): Use the buttons [12] and [13] to set the irri-
gation start time. Press [11] to save irrigation start time and access [5] FRE-
QUENCY module. FREQUENCY (fig. E): Use the buttons [12] and [13] to set the
frequency of garden irrigation. Irrigation frequency may range from 2 min. to
7 days. Press [11] to save the settings and access [6] RUN TIME module. RUN
TIME (fig. F): Use the buttons [12] and [13] to set the desired irrigation time. It
may range from 1 min. to max. 720 min. Note that the run time cannot exceed
the set frequency. Press [11] to exit settings. The device is now ready for irriga-
tion. AUTOMATIC MODE (fig. G): In [1] AUTO, all settings are displayed alternate-
ly, switching every 3 sec. MANUAL MODE (fig. H): Press [10] to enable water
flow. Use the buttons [12] and [13] to set the irrigation time. It may range from
1 min. to max. 720 min. To disable manual irrigation, press [10]. RAIN STOP (fig.
H): In [1] AUTO, you may press [12] to delay automatic cycle for 12 hours to
7 days. Press [11] to confirm the delay. Press [13] to cancel the delay setting.
MISCELLANEOUS (fig. I): If no programming operations are carried out for more
than 5 min., screen saver is enabled (fig. I) to save energy. After using the device,
press [11] to access [2] OFF (fig. I) to save energy and protect the battery.
MAINTENANCE (fig. A.1): Periodically remove the gasket with filter [C] from the
water connector [D] and rinse it with running water. END OF OPERATION: When
the irrigation season ended: Close the tap. Disconnect the device from the tap.
Activate manual irrigation, which will enable residual water to be drained off the
device. Switch off the device by pressing [11] and accessing [2] OFF (fig. I).
Store the device according to the manual. STORAGE: Store the device out of
reach of children in a dry, enclosed and frost-protected place. DISPOSAL: Dis-
pose of the device according to the Directive 2012/19/EU. Do not dispose of
the device with municipal waste. Dispose of the device pursuant to the local en-
vironmental protection regulations. TROUBLESHOOTING: 1. No indications on
the display: dead battery > expose the device to sunlight for approximately 30
minutes; temperature of the display exceeds 70°C > the indications will show up
when the display has cooled down. 2. Leakage at the water connector: damaged
filter gasket > replace the gasket; loose water connector at the tap > tighten the
connector again. 3. The valve does not close/open: closed tap > open the tap;
clogged filter > clean the filter; minimum pressure of 0.5 bar is not obtained > en-
sure pressure of 0.5 bar. REPAIR: If the operations provided in TROUBLESHOOT-
ING section do not result in the device being properly restarted, contact with the
manufacturer to carry out an inspection. Any unauthorised tampering with the
device will lead to the expiry of all claims. ACCESSORIES: Use the original acces-
sories only which assure reliable and fault-free operation of the device. For de-
tails concerning the accessories, see: www.cellfast.com.pl. WARRANTY: Cellfast
grants a two-year warranty for new, original products, provided that they have
been purchased in consumer trade and are utilised for home use only. Any de-
vice defects pertaining to materials and manufacturing are removed free of
charge. Contact the manufacturer or distributor for warranty repair and show the
original proof of purchase. For warranty details, see: www.cellfast.com.pl.
The device version placed on the market by our company meets the require-
ments of harmonised EU directives, EU safety standards, and standard relat-
ing to specific products. This declaration expires upon introducing modifica-
tions not previously agreed with us.
Model: 52-590 - Solar irrigation controller ERGO™
Application: Irrigation control.
Applicable EU directives: 2014/30/EC, 2011/65/EC, 1907/2006.
CELL-FAST Sp. z o.o.
ul. W. Grabskiego 31
PL 37-450 Stalowa Wola


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