Air4 Universal Receiver
Changing the mode for the two Air4 Universal Receiver outputs (relay 1/relay 2) from default
mode (impulsive) to another.
• Press bu on 'S' for fi ve seconds in order to enter change confi gura on for the modes of the two
outputs (relay 1/relay 2); the LED rela ng to the output se ng will fl ash according to the mode in
which it was programmed.
- LED fl ashing once: ON/OFF mode
- LED fl ashing twice: impulsive mode.
- LED fl ashing three mes: Seconds Timer mode
- LED fl ashing four mes: Minutes Timer mode
• Press bu on 'P' to change mode
• To select the next output, press bu on 'S' un l you leave the output confi gura on func on. To save
the selected se ngs, always leave the confi gura on mode by pressing 'S'.
Changing the seconds or minutes mer
• Select one of the two modes to be changed (seconds mer or minutes mer).
• Press bu on 'S' for approximately 2 seconds, the LED will fl ash regularly at one second intervals.
• Hold down the bu on and count the number of fl ashes to be set as seconds or minutes (e.g. 3 fl ashes
equal 3 seconds/minutes).
• Having counted the number of fl ashes to be set, release bu on 'S' and the change will be saved.
Understanding when the Air4 Universal Receiver memory is full
When a newly copied code does not work, LED L1 illuminates and LED L2 fl ashes. In this situa on,
delete a remote control no longer in use.
The Air4 Universal Receiver is compa ble with Air4 Home and Air4 Home Pro.
Copyright Silca S.p.A 2019. All right reserved
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