Making and maintaining connections with patch cords
When installing patch cords, the following guidelines and recommendations should be followed:
9.1 Maintain all patch cords with minimal cross-overs or twists under the labeling window.
9.2 When sliding trays out, apply pressure to the right and left sides of the label cover and pull
evenly outward.
9.3 When sliding trays in, apply gentle pressure downward as the tray slides in.
9.4 If any resistance is felt performing either step above, stop and verify no patch cords from
or with neighboring trays are causing interference.
When consistently routing all patch cords from deck to another, bundling each decks
cords with Velcro tie wraps may assist in maintaining organization.
When routing Patch cords from one HDF frame to an adjacent HDF Frame, 5 meter cords are
recommended. For off-frame routing to another device, required patch cord lengths must be
evaluated to include proper slack coil management. All patch cord length requirements should
be reviewed prior to procurement based on the user intended configuration.