Exploring the Balance
Skill: Using comparison language to describe objects.
Nestable Bucket Balance
Supplies from around the classroom or house (pencils, erasers,
paper clips, scissors, counters, blocks, etc.)
Paper and pencil (optional)
Encourage children to explore the balance by comparing different
objects. As children explore, ask questions to help them learn the
language of comparison, "Which objects do you think will balance
each other out? Is the bigger object always the heavier object?"
Then, introduce the idea that volume is how much space
something takes up and mass is how much matter something
has, usually measured as weight. Explain that while they are often
related, it is not always true that bigger is heavier. As children
compare objects, encourage them to slide the comparison
indicator to greater than, equal to, or less than each time.
For older children, have them list the results of each test.
eraser < scissors
scissors > bear
Nestable Bucket Balance