Learning to ride a unicycle
Adjusting the saddle height
When sitting on the unicycle, the ball of your
foot should reach the lowest point of the
pedal without you having to stretch out your
leg fully. It is better to set the saddle slightly
lower, especially when starting to learn.
Which part of the unicycle is the front?
A unicycle has no handlebars, so you can't
immediately see which end is the front.
However, it is easy to find out: first of all the
running direction of the wheels is marked at
the front and secondly the PUKY logo on the
clamp should be facing forwards. As long as
the saddle is correctly mounted, the PUKY
logo should be on the back. This enables
you to orientate your unicycle correctly.
Learning to ride
In order to learn to ride the unicycle, we rec-
ommend that you practise together with two
other people. They can for example support
you at the side so that you cannot tip over to
the left or right. Even if it is hard at first, you
should try not to look at the ground when rid-
ing your unicycle, but rather straight ahead.
Of course your helpers should move with
you as you ride and always stay at your
side. Try to keep your balance with as lit-
tle support from your helpers as possible.
Hold their hands lightly instead of support-
ing yourself on them completely. It is also
very helpful if your helpers just hold your
elbows, meaning that each helper holds
one hand and one elbow. Try to depend
on your helpers less and less each time.
User Manual
As soon as you are able to ride the unicycle
the first metres without support, you will proba-
bly start waving your arms about and weaving
about. Don't worry - every beginner does this!
Getting onto your unicycle
In order to get on, stand behind the unicycle
and put one of the two pedals into the low-
est possible position. Now hold onto a wall
or similar and settle yourself carefully onto
the saddle. The unicycle will still be tilted,
as you are leaning against the wall. To get it
upright, you now have to put a foot onto the
lower pedal, push the pedal once and then
put the other foot onto the other pedal - as
though you were climbing a staircase. Hold
firmly onto a wall, lamp post or person and get
used to the feeling of sitting on the unicycle.
Your weight should rest mainly on the saddle
and less on the pedals. Keep the top part of
your body vertical and learn to carefully con-
trol your balance forwards and backwards.
Getting off your unicycle
Practise getting off your unicycle carefully. Get
off it both to the rear and to the front. Try to
get back onto the floor easily. Whilst you are
still uncertain, hold onto something with one
hand. The other hand should always be on
the saddle. Try to hold onto the saddle even
when you inadvertently have to get down
from your unicycle. This is important so that
no-one is injured and nothing is damaged.
Tip: We recommend learning to ride a
unicycle at your local Sports Association;
these frequently offer unicycle courses.
We wish you lots of fun!