temperature alert setting. Icon "
digits flash. Press the "▼" or the "▲"button (B1 or B3) to adjust the
setting value, press the "OUT-TEMP ALERT" button to confirm the
setting. The setting sequence as follow: the upper limit of temperature
-> the lower limit of temperature.
When it's alert, the corresponding icon "
digit would flash on the LCD. Press any buttons to stop the alert sound,
otherwise, it will sound for 2 minutes, and stop automatically.
Time and alarm setting
Radio controlled clock:
After batteries inserted and main unit finishes receiving the
transmission from outdoor sensor, the clock automatically starts to scan
the DCF time signal. Radio Control Icon"
indicating active DCF
signal reception
The clock automatically scans the time signal at 3.00 a.m. every day to
" or "
stays on,
indicating successful
signal reception
" beside temperature's
" or "
" and temperature
" flashes on the LCD.
Indicating failed
signal reception