Time and Date Setup
1. i n Time of Day mode, hold MODE for 3 seconds until the display
2. P ress MODE to advance through settings:
h ours / Minutes / seconds / Month / Day / Year / 12/24 hr format /
Month/Day format / Beep On/OFF (beep with every button press)
3. E dit these settings by using sTART/sTOP (+) or REsET (-).
4. To save the new settings, hold MODE for 3 seconds.
noTe: To rapidly change the setting, hold sTART/sTOP (+) or REsET (-).
Alarm and hourly Chime
1. i n Alarm mode, hold MODE for 3 seconds until the display flashes.
2. P ress MODE to advance thru settings:
3. E dit these settings by using sTART/sTOP (+) or
REsET (-).
4. To save the new settings, hold MODE for 3 seconds.
Press sTART/sTOP to toggle the Alarm alert On (s ) or OFF.
Press REsET to toggle the hourly Chime alert On ( G ) or OFF.
noTe: To rapidly change the setting, hold sTART/sTOP (+) or REsET (-).