Using this product in Germany
This product requires a German billing tone filter (Lexmark part number 80D1888) to be installed on any line which receives
metering pulses in Germany. Metering pulses may or may not be present on analog lines in Germany. The subscriber may
request that metering pulses be placed on the line, or can have them removed by calling the German network provider.
Normally, metering pulses are not provided unless specifically requested by the subscriber at the time of installation.
Using this product in Switzerland
This product requires a Swiss billing tone filter (Lexmark part number 14B5109) to be installed on any line which receives
metering pulses in Switzerland. The Lexmark filter must be used, as metering pulses are present on all analog telephone
lines in Switzerland.
Niveles de emisión de ruidos
Aviso de la marca GS de Alemania
Modelo: opción multifunción 4600
Tipo de máquina: 4036-307 y 4036-308
Dirección postal
Lexmark Deutschland GmbH
Postfach 1560
63115 Dietzenbach
Dirección física
Lexmark Deutschland GmbH
Max-Planck-Straße 12
63128 Dietzenbach
Teléfono: 0180 - 564 56 44 (Información del producto)
Teléfono: 01805 - 00 01 15 (Asistencia técnica)