OBJ_DOKU-193155-004.fm Seite 17 Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2020 2:05 14
Please read all information carefully.
These instructions for use do not replace the user manual of the
electrosurgical unit used! Read the user manual of the electro-
surgical unit and ask Erbe or your distributor in case of doubt!
Normal use
The shaft extensions are intended for extending electrode han-
dles and are used to work in body cavities:
• Shaft extension 20191-359 for electrode handles with
2.4 mm shaft diameter
• Shaft extensions 20191-237, 20191-238, 20191-239 and
20191-358 for electrode handles with 4 mm shaft diameter
Erbe recommends the use of Erbe electrode handles. If a handle
from another manufacturer is used to operate this shaft exten-
sion, please observe the following: The joint from shaft exten-
sions to handles of other manufacturers is not standardized. The
handle of another manufacturer, although it may appear to fit
the Erbe HF electrode, may have different dimensions and toler-
ances, a different type of insulation, etc. Such differences hold
risks for patient and staff. Erbe Elektromedizin is glad to provide
more information as required.
Not intended for direct contact with the heart or the central cir-
culatory system!
Maximum electrical capacity
The maximum electrical capacity of these products is:
• 4000 V