Cushion Setup, continued
IMPORTANT! For dual compartment cushions, repeat all steps for both valves.
Inflate, cover, and transfer.
1 Inflate: Open the cover flap. For the Heavy Duty Cover, open the zipper.
a. Slide the hand pump nozzle over the inflation valve. Open the inflation valve. Inflate the
cushion until all of the air cells feel firm.
b. Close the inflation valve until it comes to a stop. Remove the hand pump. Make sure the
inflation valve is closed.
Note: To open, turn the inflation valve at least one full rotation. The inflation valve will spin freely
when open.
2 Cover: Make sure the cover is correctly installed. Refer to the instructions provided with the cover
and the "Cover Removal and Replacement" section in this manual.
3 Transfer:
a. Place the cushion on the wheelchair with the air cells facing up and the non-skid surface of the
cover facing down. The symbol on the cover showing the seated figure may be used to help
orient cushion. (Fig.1)
b. The individual should transfer to the wheelchair and sit in their usual sitting position. Confirm
that the boniest prominences are supported by the air cells. The inflation valve should be in the
front, on the left side of the seated individual. (Fig. 2)
Perform a hand check.
4 To perform a hand check, use the width of your fingers to check the amount of air in the cushion.
When the cushion has the correct amount of air*, the individual is both immersed in the cushion
and supported by air:
a. Slide your hand between the air cells and the individual, and feel for the lowest bony
prominences. Suggestion: To help locate the bony prominences while performing a hand check,
lift and lower the leg.
b. Refer to the Hand Check Guide below to adjust the cushion.
IMPORTANT! For dual compartment cushions, check both compartments.
Not able to move fingers.
Not enough air in the cushion.
Risk: Not supported by air.
If the cushion is UNDERINFLATED:
Add some air. Close the inflation valve. Perform
a hand check again. Repeat until the cushion
has the correct amount of air.
ROHO Hybrid Elite Cushion Operation Manual
Can move fingers too freely.
Too much air in the cushion.
Risk: Not immersed in the
If the cushion is OVERINFLATED:
Remove some air. Close the inflation valve.
Perform a hand check again. Repeat until the
cushion has the correct amount of air.
Fig. 1
* The recommended distance between the lowest
bony prominence and the hard surface is
½ - 1 in. (1.5 - 2.5 cm).
Able to slightly move fingers.
Immersed in the cushion and
supported by air.
If your cushion has the CORRECT AMOUNT
OF AIR, it is ready to use.
Warning: Make sure there is at least ½ in.
(1.5cm) of air supporting the individual's lowest
bony prominences.
Fig. 2