2 System description and strategy
A UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) installation is a system connected to the grid electricity
that is used as back up in the event of a power cut. In this case, the installation acts in a similar
manner to an uninterrupted power supply system.
This type of installation is typical in grids that present frequent interruptions or in the case of
critical loads for which the power supply cannot be interrupted.
In the case of a power cut, the INGECON SUN STORAGE 1Play internally disconnects from the
grid installation and provides the necessary power for the critical loads from the batteries. To do
so, the batteries remain charged while grid electricity is available and the photovoltaic energy is
used to supply the loads, reducing energy consumption from the grid. Grid supply of
photovoltaic surplus is user configurable.
If the grid is not operational, the INGECON SUN STORAGE 1Play powers critical loads until the
battery is completely flat (SOC DESCX or V MINIMUM). With the battery completely flat, the
system remains stopped. Once there is photovoltaic and/or grid energy available, the INGECON
SUN STORAGE 1Play automatically starts up to continue with the battery charging and restart
supply to critical loads.
To avoid daily cycles and to extend the life of the battery, these are charged from the grid to the
maximum value established by the user, SOC GRID. Once this value has been reached, the
batteries will not be permitted to charge from the grid until the minimum value established by
the user, SOC MIN, has been reached.
The response time of the system to a power cut is less than 30ms, which means that a power cut
is imperceptible for most loads.
Although the INGECON SUN STORAGE 1Play provides an extra current during load connection
transients such as motors, INGETEAM recommends the use of frequency changers with this type
of load to avoid transient voltage drops (2-3 seconds) during their connection.
Technical notes:
The battery capacity must be at least C10
the system.
All manuals and user guides at
Installation and configuration of a UPS (Back-up) system
5x P
to guarantee stable operation of