A good silicon junction drops between 0.5V and 0.8V.
To test a diode out of a circuit, connect as follows:
1. Insert the red test lead into the VΩ terminal and the black test
lead into the COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to diode position.
3. For forward voltage drop readings on any semiconductor compo-
nent, place the red test lead on the component's anode and
place the black test lead on the component's cathode.
The measured value shows on the display.
Continuity test
To test for continuity Testing voltage is 2,7 V.
1. Insert the red test lead into the VΩ terminal and the black test
lead into the COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to continuity position.
3. Connect the test leads across with the object being measured.
The buzzer sounds if the resistance of a circuit under test is less
than 30Ω.
Dwell test
For older cars it was important to test the dwell of the cut-off switch
of an ignition system. Dwell testing means the duration when the
cut-off switch remains off when the cam is turning.
1. Set the rotary switch to Dwell position and correct numbers of
2. Insert the red test lead into the V_Dwell terminal and the black
test lead into the COM terminal.
3. Connect the red test lead to the ignition coil and the black test
lead to ground as fig 4.
4. Read the ignition dwell on the display.
(see fig 3)
(See fig 4)
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