Blank Cone
Blank End Cap
This machine is made to extrude pasta; not make pasta. Make dough by hand or use
a mixer.
Sprinkle a small amount of flour on the pasta, on the nutrition system hopper and inside
the drum to prevent sticking.
Add water to the dough if it becomes too dry.
To extrude pasta:
Decide which style of noodle you prefer and place the appropriate nozzle on the drum.
Shape the pasta dough into balls or tubes that are slightly smaller than the nutrition
system drum opening.
Turn [ON] machine. Process dough through nutrition system. A consistent feeding of
dough without any gaps will give you longer noodles as pasta exits. Pasta may be cut
with scissor or a knife to desired length.
Freshly made pasta should be put in boiling water. Fresh pasta will cook faster than
packaged pasta.
If you want to make the pasta more flavorful, add spinach, basil or sundried tomatoes.
Leftover vegetable juice or pulp may also be mixed into dough for added flavor.
Your choice of nozzle will determine the size and shape of the pasta.
Blank Cone
Blank End
Round, Flat or Breadsticks Nozzle