Ensure that the volume of nutrition in the container is greater than is actually needed, i.e. more than the set DOSE to be administered,
so as to avoid excessive air bubbles getting in the feeding line.
In the "hold" mode with the last flow rate (ml/h) displayed in the LCD:
• Set the flow rate by pressing the "+" or "-" key.
If another parameter is displayed:
• Press first the "ml/h" key followed by "+" or "-" key to adjust the flow rate. The flow rate can be set between 1 and 400 ml/h, with steps of
1 ml/h. If the display shows "HIGH" or "LOW" then disable the volume bolus value as indicated in the paragraph "continuous feeding".
• Press the "volume ml" key and install the volume to be administered with the "+" and "-" key. The range goes from 1 - 4000 ml,
with steps of 1ml.
• Start the pump by pressing "start/stop".
During functioning the following parameters can be found in the display:
• By pressing the "ml/h" key the "flow rate" is displayed.
bolus ml/int h
volume ml
• In the hold mode press the "bolus ml/int h" key.
• The pump now displays either "BOLUS VOLUME" or "INTERVAL BOLUS".
• If the pump displays "INTERVAL BOLUS" press "bolus ml/int h" key again to go to "BOLUS VOLUME" settings.
• Adjust the bolus volume settings using the "+" or "-" key.
• The bolus volume settings can be set from 1 to 500 ml, with increments of 1 ml.
• Press the "bolus ml/int h" key again to go to the "INTERVAL BOLUS" settings.
• Adjust the bolus interval settings using the "+" or "-" key.
• The bolus interval can be set from 0.30 h to 12.00 h in 0.30 h steps.
• Press the "ml/h" key and select the flow rate to be used with the "+" or "-" key.
• The flow rate settings can be set in two rates, high (600 ml/h) and low (400 ml/h).
• If a total dose needs to be set, use the "volume ml" key and adjust the dose with the "+" or "-" keys.
• If no total dose is desired, press the "volume ml" key and clear the dose by pressing the "clr" key. "CONT" will be displayed.
• Start the pump by pressing "start/stop".
When a bolus has finished, the pump will inform you of the time to the next bolus, by displaing "NEXT
BOLU" as well as the time remaining until the start of the next bolus. Setting the bolus volume to "NO" will disable
the bolus feeding mode. For more information on how to set a total dose, please check the paragraph "to set a dose".
ZMNL900907_AW.indd 23
ZMNL900907_AW.indd 23
400 ml/h
volume ml
1 ml/h
• By pressing the "info" key the total volume since the memory was cleared will be visualized.
When the required volume or dose has been delivered, "END OF DOSE" will appear and the pump will
beep (or mute, depending upon the pumps' configuration (see paragraph: set up mode).
500 ml
1 ml
4000 ml
1 ml
12 h
bolus ml/int h
0,3 h
12.05.21 15:59
12.05.21 15:59