In This Manual
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In This Manual
Healthy Living
This blood pressure monitor is the first step to living a healthier
life. But monitoring your blood pressure at home is just the begin-
ning, it's also important to:
EXERCISE REGULARLY - Start out by taking a quick walk
each day. Before you know it, you'll feel energized. That's because
along with being an easy way to shed a few pounds, walking also
helps bones and heart to become stronger.
EAT RIGHT - Remember, you are what you eat! So when you
reach for a snack, try grabbing a piece of fruit or a vegetable.
When cooking meals at home try to use fats and oils sparingly.
Sometimes a healthy diet is the best medicine of all! It's also a
good idea to monitor your sodium intake since about one-third of
individuals who have high blood pressure are also sodium sen-
sitive. Consult your doctor regarding over-the-counter supple-
ments and herbs such as onion and garlic. Both of these plants
have been historically linked to producing mild anti-hypertension
Healthy Living